Webmaster Account posted on December 22, 2014 15:12

Ask yourself these questions to narrow your search for the right wood floor:
Where do you plan to use it?
- Kitchen and entryway: Choose a hard wood, such as oak or hickory, which can handle heavy foot traffic better than a soft pine.
- Bedroom and home office: Rooms off the beaten path are good locations for softer woods, such as black cherry or black walnut.
- Basement: Avoid using solid-wood flooring below grade, where high humidity prevails. An engineered wood floor is a better option here because it's more stable.
- Bathroom: Water can warp wood, making it a poor choice for baths with tubs and showers.
What's it going over?
- Plywood subfloor: As long as it's solid and flat, you can install any type of nail-or glue-down hardwood, as well as click-together engineered strip or cork plank floating floors.
- Existing wood floor: Thinner boards with long-wearing factory-applied finishes are better here to ensure safe, no-trip transitions to adjacent rooms, hallways, and stairways.
- Concrete slab or tile: Nails aren't an option. Consider a click-together floating floor or one that can be glued down.
- Radiant floor: Engineered flooring is ideal because it's thinner and more stable than most solid wood.
Photo by Karlie Mitchell on Unsplash
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